jueves, 20 de agosto de 2020

Comment 7

 Nowadays, the environment and climate change are very important issues. In addition, we all know the relevance of recycling, reducing and reusing. Talking about reusing, there is a very good idea that, although it is quite well known, not many people apply it. And that is second-hand clothing. We like buying new clothes every few months to renovate our wardrobe. However, in addition to the fact that the fabrication of these clothes is polluting, when we throw them away we are polluting even more.

On the one hand, many people refuse to wear second-hand clothes for reasons such as they are too old, not in fashion or not pretty. Besides, in many places it is difficult to find second-hand clothes shops. Moreover, many times the clothes they sell in those stores may be too old and used, so they are no longer good to wear.

On the other hand, second-hand clothes have many advantages. Apart from the fact that it helps the environment, in most cases it is very cheap, even free! Many people donate the clothes they no longer wear, or you can make exchanges with other people. This way you can always have new things in your wardrobe at a low cost. In addition, you can always give your old clothes a new use by cutting or changing them.

In short, second-hand clothing is a very environmentally friendly option that we should try. In my opinion, it would be a good idea to do more promotion for this type of clothing.

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2020

Comment 6

 Nowadays, there are many couples around the world. Besides, you can see younger and younger people with partners. It is very normal to see people with a boyfriend or girlfriend at the age of 13 or 14. Having a partner has many advantages and can be very nice, but sometimes we have to be careful with some things. Especially those young people who are having their first relationship.

On the one hand, having a partner is good. When you fall in love you want to be with that person all the time. Moreover, a partner is a person you can count on and trust, who supports you and loves you. Furthermore, if you know how to have a healthy relationship, you can have time for everything: study, work, travel, spend time with your friends... as well as spend time with that person.

On the other hand, relationships are not always like this. Many times things like movies confuse teenagers about what a relationship is, because movies show it as something perfect. In addition, there are some behaviours that should not be tolerated between two people who are dating, and that can end up in a situation of abuse, control, and violence. And you have to be very careful about this.

In short, a relationship can be a beautiful thing, but you have to be careful to keep it away from becoming toxic. From my point of view, if you're in a toxic relationship, you have to get out of it. Also, if you don't realize it or can't do it yourself, your family and friends should help you, because you'll be better without that person.

Comment 5


Happiness is an emotion that happens in a human being when he believes he has reached a desired goal. There are many ways to feel happiness, such as when you get a good score in a test, when you eat your favourite food, or when you have a good time with your friends. However, one question that people have been wondering for a long time is: where does happiness come from? And there are many different opinions about this. In this essay we are going to talk about two different points of view: people who believe that happiness depends only on us and people who believe that happiness is conditioned by genes.

On the one hand, we have people who think that happiness depends only on yourself. Besides, this is the most common way of thinking and has been thought for a long time. "To be happy means to realize ourselves, to reach the goals of a human being" said old thinkers like Aristotle. Furthermore, this theory makes considerable sense because if you do an action to try to find happiness, you will probably get it.

On the other hand, there is a more recent theory called the "happy gene". According to some experts our level of happiness throughout life is strongly influenced by the genes with which we were born. In addition, Edinburgh University has carried out numerous studies on this. This theory tells us that our genes can condition how we take things, and therefore that we have a higher or lower level of happiness in our life.

To put it in a nutshell, everyone has a different way of thinking and everyone can support a different theory. Nevertheless, no theory is 100% certain, so we can never trust one of them completely.In my opinion, genes may have something to do with our happiness, but I think we are mostly in control of our happiness ourselves.

Comment 4


Nowadays, veganism is a much talked about topic. In addition, it's quite related to the environment. Veganism does not only consist of stopping eating animal products to feed oneself, but it is also the abstention from the use of animal products and services, whether for food, clothing, medicine, cosmetics, transportation, experimentation... If the majority of the world's population adopted this lifestyle, many things would improve, among them animal exploitation would be reduced and climate change would be slowed down. But... what does the vegan lifestyle have to do with climate change?

Veganism is a topic widely discussed from the traditional way, but actually vegans get all the nutrients their body needs, without the need to consume meat. Furthermore, veganism is directly related to the opposition to animal abuse and, as we all know, the factories that work with animals emit gases through their chimneys that are part of the problem connected with the greenhouse effect. Moreover, the greenhouse effect is something very serious and dangerous, as it is one of the main causes of climate change, which affects us all.

To try to reduce the amount of gases that these chimneys emit new technologies are inventing new machines and there are currently many projects in progress on this. However, instead of waiting for other people to solve this problem, we can all try to collaborate. "We do not expect everybody to become vegan. But the impact of the food system on the climate change will require more than just technological changes. Adopting healthier and more environmentally sustainable diets can be a large stop in the right direction" according to many experts.

In short, veganism is an environmentally friendly lifestyle that is highly recommended. Nevertheless, no one is forced to be a vegan. From my point of view, even if you don't want to be a vegan, we should all try to reduce our meat consumption as much as possible and of course not support companies that test their products on animals or make clothes or accessories from them.

Comment 3

 A few months ago, we started a "new normality" not only in Spain, but also in most countries of the world. This is because of the coronavirus, a world pandemic that is causing a lot of damage to people's health. The coronavirus is a virus that is easily transmitted from one person to another. Besides, there are many ways to get it, among them, the air. When a person is talking near you, there are micro-particles of saliva that can reach you and infect you. For this reason, the government has forced citizens to wear a mask every time they leave home.

On the one hand, wearing a mask can be very uncomfortable, especially in the summer. There are places like Sevilla or Madrid where it is very hot in summer and wearing a mask makes you feel even hotter and sweat a lot. In addition, many people claim that breathing with a mask is very inconvenient and that they can even get dizzy. Moreover, people who wear glasses have a problem with masks because their lenses get fogged up. Also, recently the government has made it obligatory to wear a mask all the time. However, there are times when it is not really necessary to wear one, such as when you are alone in a place.

On the other hand, the use of masks prevents thousands of infections, and therefore, thousands of deaths as well. According to statistics, if we didn't use masks, thousands and thousands more people would die from this disease. Furthermore, although we may often find that masks are expensive, there are many different models to select from, and we can also create our own masks using different materials. Besides, this virus is something very serious and it is necessary that we all collaborate putting on our masks to try to eliminate it as soon as possible.

In summary, masks are very important at this time and, although they can be uncomfortable, it is very important that we use them. In my opinion, everyone should follow the instructions given by the government and doctors to try to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

Comment 2


Nowadays, there are still many types of discrimination between people and among them there is racism. Racism happens when someone belittles, insults, hits or even thinks he is better than someone else just because of his skin colour. Unfortunately, racism still exists.

Moreover, recently, because of the murder of George Floyd in the USA, many people in that country, and later all over the world, have taken to the streets to protest under the slogan of "black lives matter". What happened is that this unarmed Black man was crushed by a policeman, making George unable to breathe and dying terribly on May 25. In addition, a video of Mr. Floyd saying his last words "I can't breathe" has become very famous and thanks to social networks has gone viral.

On the other hand, talking about the demostrations, hundreds and thousands of people came out to protest in the streets. The intention was to make a kind of call to the government and especially to President Trump. After this, other countries followed this initiative. However, as we all know, we are in a complicated situation because of the coronavirus, so in this protest the social networks have been the most used means to transmit the message. Besides, during these days, social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Instagram have been filled with phrases and images such as "black lives matter".

As a conclusion, racism still exists today and we must try to eliminate it all together. In my opinion, demostrations are a good thing as long as violence is not used.

Comment 1

Nowadays, the planet, as we all know, is not as good as it was a few years ago. The pollution, the trash, the toxic waste that we throw into the environment... are slowly killing off our ecosystem. Besides, sadly most people do nothing to prevent this. However, there are some things that people do and which are good to help with this, such as the triple R: reduce, recycle and reuse. In this report we will focus on recycling.

On the one hand, recycling is very good. Recycling is a process where we transform the raw materials items we use in our daily life are made from into new ones once they have finished their useful life. These raw materials could be paper, glass, aluminium or plastic. Moreover, if we recycle we will be helping the environment because there will not be so much rubbish thrown away everywhere. In addition, you can recycle yourself at home and spend a good time trying to give a new use to an object you no longer use.

On the other hand, even though recycling is fine, until you start reducing you are still killing the planet. In addition, we could say that reducing is the key to helping the planet. Fewer toys, fewer clothes... these are things that we can all take on and that are very contributory. Besides, if you don't buy something, you won't have to recycle it in the future.

To sum up, recycling is a very good thing, but reducing is even better. In my opinion, everyone should try to apply the three R's in their lives, so that they can help to take care of the planet and live in a better  world.

Comment 21

 A funeral is a ceremony celebrated after the death of a person. Usually, funerals are very sad, where all the family members join together ...