domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2019

Comment 4

Obesity is a disease that consists of an excessive amount of fat in your body and nowadays the levels of obese , especially in children and teenagers, are worrying. Obesity is becoming a more frequent disease not only in Spain but also in the whole world, so why does this happen? What can we do?

On the one hand, according to statistics, today’s children are 10 times more obese than 40 years ago and this is because we do less and less sport, not because we eat more as many people think; it is obvious that our diet also influences us; nowadays we eat more junk food like chips, hamburgers and pizzas than 40 years ago, but the main reason there are so many obese children and teenagers is that they prefer to stay at home playing video games and using the computer rather than going out to the street to do sports and play, and it shouldn’t be like that. In addition, doctors are very worried because there are more and more diseases caused by overweight in younger and younger children, "I've never seen it before, children 7 years old or younger suffer from diabetes type 2, and this is alarming," said one doctor.

On the other hand, we all know that our health is really important and to stay healthy and have as few illnesses as possible we have to learn to balance our diet and exercise. What we can do is try to have the most varied diet possible by avoiding eating junk food and not exceeding the amounts of food; a scientist has explained that we don’t have to eat until we feel full, we must eat just enough not to be hungry. In addition, we should look for a sport that we like and do it about 3 times a week; do sport not only helps us to be in good shape, but also makes us have good mental health.

In conclusion, we must have a good diet and do sport not to be obese. I think a good idea to stay in shape is to look for someone who wants to do it with us and that may serve as motivation!

sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2019

Comment 3

Nowadays, the Amazon, called “the Iung of the earth” is one of the most important jungles in the world and as we all know it is being burned. Moreover, this isn´t only an environmental catastrophe, it is a tragedy that affects the whole world. So, Why is it so big? Is it really so bad for us? What consequences can it have?

On the one hand, we all know that the Amazon rainforest is a huge forest full of animals and plants and that the fact that it is burning can only have horrible consequences for us. So, why do we not stop the fire as soon as possible?Well, this fire, which is really danngerous, is raging across the world’s largest tropical rainforest as farmers, land-grabbers and loggers torch trees and clear land for crops or grazing. However, politicians do nothing because they think they can get money by turning the Amazon into a place to grow food crops and build buildings and this is very sad because they don't think that for humans, burning that forest is a terrible idea. In addition, we need to know that, according to statistics 1 in 10 species of animals live in the Amazon and they will burn together with it.

On the other hand, there is the issue of global warming; everyone on the planet benefits from the health of the Amazon. As its trees take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, the Amazon plays a huge role in pulling planet-warming greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. Without it, climate change speeds up and the earth may have suffered irreversible changes sooner than we expected. Moreover, this fire is taking too long to be controlled and every minute that passes, it will affect us terribly in the future so we must work faster if we really want to sabe the planet. Nearby villages have been the first to notice the consequences, the mortality rate has increased in these areas and the number of people who are dying has increased; “We can't breathe well, the air is polluted by the smoke of the flames” they said.

All in all, the fire of the Amazon is a terrible catastrophe that must be controlled as son as posible. In my opinión, if we try top ut out the fire as son as posible and replant everything tthat has been burned, perhaps the Amazon can go on as usual, but if we do nothing i am sure that the earth will be an uninhabitable place for humans sooner than we think.

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2019

Comment 2

At the present time our planet is in a serious danger because of human action. We all know that climate change and global warming are problems that are actually happening and this is caused in large part by people's mistakes such as consuming more than the planet is able to give us so... are these mistakes still being made today? how serious are they?

On the one hand, people are more and more aware that it is necessary to take care of the planet and not waste products such as water, food, wood... nevertheless, it is not enough. According to experts, if we continue living this way, in 2050 our planet will have suffered irrversible changes; for this reason, everybody must help. In addition, it is very simple to contribute, each big change begins with a small action!

On the other hand, we have already consumed so far this year more natural resources than what the planet can regenerate. According to GFN humans require 1.7 planets to offset our use of natural resources each year, and this should stop right now! This is the biggest problem we have, people don't think about the future and don't know the enormous consequences that our actions may have in the future. Besides, right now we know that we have earth resources, but at any time this can change. Moreover, we are more and more on the planet and as the human population continues to grow exponentially, we will reach the hard reality whereby the planet we call home cannot keep up.

All in all, it is obvious that the world is not enough for our lifestyle. The resources will run out and humans will have serious problems with this in a few years. From my point of view, we have to stop this now and start taking care of our planet to make it a safe and habitable place in the future.

Comment 1

Nowadays, global warming is a really important problem and we should all be worried about it. It's caused by many gases, among them the methane. Methane gas emitted by cows and other livestock does have a significant impact on the amount of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, which are the main culprits behind climate change and global warming. So, do cow farts really significantly contribute to global warming?

On the one hand, there are approximately 1.5 million cows in the world and they emit gases through farts and, above all, burps. Besides, these gases contain a lot of methane, a gas that is much worse than gases like C02. According to the studies, since the turn of the 19th century, methane gas emissions have increased by 150%, according to NASA’s Goddard Institute. Obviously, this is not just produced by ruminants but these animals are an important factor and this makes the livestock sector very concerned.

On the other hand, cows are very important animals and from which we can obtain many benefits, nevertheless, they contribute to the increase of global warming; so, what can we do? Scientists are already doing many studies and are trying to put solution to this problem, for example, they tried to put garlic in the food of cows and so far it is giving good results because garlic directly attacks the organisms in the guts that produce methane. In addition, they are trying to discover how to use that gas to produce electricity.

All in all, the gases released by ruminants contribute to global warming. In my opinion, we cannot eliminate cows, but we should look for a solution to reduce the damage caused by methane gas to our planet because global warming is very alarming.

This new school year is starting and I'm going to the first year of bachillerato. I am going to use this blog to post my works during the year. So excited to start!

Comment 21

 A funeral is a ceremony celebrated after the death of a person. Usually, funerals are very sad, where all the family members join together ...