jueves, 24 de octubre de 2019

Comment 6

Nowadays, unlike a few years ago, we use the Internet for everything from publishing photos and reading the newspaper to making bank transfers.We are very dependent on the Internet, we use it every day because it is very comfortable and easy to use. But… is the Internet really as safe as we think?

On the one hand, it is true that there are many secure websites to buy on the Internet. In addition, it is very easy to shop in them; for example, if you don’t have time to go shopping, you can select the food you want online and the supermarket will bring your shopping home. Besides, online shopping, which is a very recent invention, makes our life much easier because we can have anything we want in practically 1 or 2 days; who could have thought 50 years ago that this would be possible? No one!

On the other hand, buying things on the internet such as airline tickets, clothes or mobile devices is very dangerous because you are giving your credit card details and there are many cases of fraud. Besides, a lot of people don’t know it but criminals take classes about how to steal your credit card numbers and make small purchases with it without you noticing that you are being robbed, and this is very dangerous because most people don’t usually pay attention to it.“As more of this fraud is now being perpetrated by clued-up amateurs working out of their bedrooms, they are harder for financial institutions to spot and stop – their spending patterns often mimic those of their victims,” says the firm.

All in all, shopping online is very cool, but we have to be careful about the pages where we buy and we should know if they are real. In my opinion, people should be more informed about fraud and fake websites because they are very dangerous and you can lose your money there.

Comment 5

Nowadays, anyone over the age of 18 can vote regardless of his sex, color or religion, and that's a breakthrough in the history of politics because a few years ago, for example, women couldn't vote.We all know that we cannot vote if we are under 18, but why? Should we be allowed to vote when we are 16? Or would it be better if we could start voting when we are 21?

On the one hand, many young people want to be able to vote at the age of 16. Some years ago you could only vote when you were 21 years old or older and this changed because people with 18 years old were sent to war and they thought why they could put their lives on risk for the country and they couldn’t vote; many people think that if that happened so easily, why couldn’t it be changed now from 18 to 16 years old? In addition, there are many 16-year-olds who have become self-employed, they work and earn their own money, however there are many others who are still studying, are supported by their parents and are not interested in politics.

On the other hand, many people think that letting such young people vote is crazy because their brains are not yet fully formed and they cannot make these important decisions. Furthermore, as I said before most young people are not interested in politics and they are not really able to take these important decisions because they are not well informed and don’t know what they want for their country. Besides, we can think… age has to do with who we vote for? Well, according to a British study, yes. It says that older people are more in favor of the Conservatives while younger people are in favour of the Labour party, the Liberal Democrats, and more recently, the Greens.

To sum up, voting is something very serious and important and we must be responsible and do it thinking very carefully. In my opinion, children under the age of 18 should not vote because we don't normally know much about politics and I think 18 is a good age to start voting.

Comment 21

 A funeral is a ceremony celebrated after the death of a person. Usually, funerals are very sad, where all the family members join together ...