lunes, 7 de enero de 2019

A Christmas Carol

Scrooge was an old and grumpy man who worked in his business with his clerk because his partner Marley had died long time ago. It´s important to know that he hates everything, specially Christmas, for him, Christmas is humbug.

It was Christmas Eve, and the ghost of Marley went to Scrooge´s house. The ghost told him that 3 other ghosts were going to visit him during the night, and he should pay attention to them.
Scrooge was surprised and terrified, he couldn´t believe what had happened!

As Marley said, the first ghost came to his home and Scrooge woke up. It was the ghost of "the past" and he showed him the christmas of Scrooge´s childhood. He also saw Bella, his girlfriend when he was Young. After that, he returned home.

The second ghost was from "the present"; Scrooge saw his nephew´s home, he was a poor, but happy person, and he was having dinner with his family.

Scrooge thought about everything… He was really confused, the ghosts were changing his way of thinking.

Finally, the ghost of "the future" showed Scrooge something terrible. There was a die person in a room, and the person was alone. Scrooge thought that this person had been really nasty, because there was nobody with him. Later, he could see the tomb of that person and he realised that it was Scrooge tomb!
He was alone, and nobody loved him, so he would die alone.
Scrooge told the ghost "Oh no, dear ghost, what can I do to change my life? i don´t want to stay alone all of my life!" and the ghost said " only you can change your life"

Next morning, when Scrooge got up from bed, he went out and bought the bigest turkey of the shop and he sent it to his clerk, he said sorry to his nephew and they all had lunch together. After that, Scrooge was a new person, he was kind with everybody and he was a good person.

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was an English writer who was born in 1812 and died in 1870, at the age of 58. He was very famous and a lot of people think that he´s the best writer that has ever been. His novels and short stories were very popular during his life, and nowadays his novels are still being edited and taken to the cinema.

His childhood was really difficult; when he was a child, his father was imprisoned and at the age of 12, he started working in the Warren´s Boot-Blacking Factory. This was a very hard job because he worked 10 hours a day and he earned only 6 shilling a week! With that money he helped his family who was in prison with his father. After that, his father went out of the prison, but they were still poor.

He worked in many jobs, but finally he was hired as a political reporter.
In 1836 he married Catherine Thompson Hogarth and they had 10 children.

In 1849 he writed "The Life of OurnLord", a short book about the life of Jesus. It was written with the purpose of inculcating the Christian religion to their children.

Dickens wrote a lot of books during his life and he became an important writer. He loved the theater and his best seller was David Copperfield.

After his wife died, he had a train accident where a lot of people were killed. Fortunately, he didn´t die.
Five years later, in 1870, he died suddenly and he was buried in "the corner of the poets", in Westminster.

His most important books are "Oliver Twist", " Hard times" and " A christmas Carol".

Comment 21

 A funeral is a ceremony celebrated after the death of a person. Usually, funerals are very sad, where all the family members join together ...