domingo, 12 de abril de 2020

Comment 25!

 Diabetes is a disease that affects your pancreas and every day more people suffer from it. There are two types of diabetes, one that is because of your genetics, in other words, because someone in your family has had it, and another type that you develop on your own because of different causes, especially poor nutrition. In addition, diabetes is a disease that has no cure, although there are medicines to help. 

On the one hand, diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are very high. Glucose comes from the food you eat. Besides, insulin is a hormone that helps glucose get into cells to give them energy. Type 1 diabetes happens when your body doesn't make insulin. This disease is becoming more and more common but, as I said before, there isn't a cure. To help to control this disease the patient has to take continuously a small amount of their blood and check the level of glucose in it, this sometimes, especially the first months when this disease is diagnosed, can be uncomfortable. Moreover, this condition is a big responsibility and often changes people's lives. For example, if you have diabetes, you have to control what you eat, be careful when you play sports, etc. Furthermore, this disease can contribute to the appearance of other diseases such as cardiovascular diseases. Besides, according to some experts this illness can reduce the life of people who suffer from it by 12 to 14 years.

On the other hand, type 2 Diabetes generally forms part of the “metabolic syndrome”, which is characterized by insulin resistance, obesity and a range of cardiovascular risk factors. In addition, type 2 diabetes is closely related to diet. Today, more than 1.7 billion adults worldwide are overweight, and 312 million of them are obese. In addition, at least 155 million children worldwide are overweight or obese. Obesity is a real problem that has only bad consequences, among them, diabetes. According to statistics, 7 million cases of diabetes are diagnosed each year. In addition, type 2 diabetes is fortunately preventable, but it needs work. However, even if we worry about eating well and being healthy, there is a probability of having this disease, but it is very low.

All in all, diabetes is a condition that you will have all your life when you are diagnosed with it. A cure for it is currently being researched, although there isn't a reliable one yet. Besides, if you have diabetes you may think it is a very bad disease, but thanks to medical advances a diabetic person can live a completely normal life. From my point of view, everyone should take care of their diet, do sport and have a healthy lifestyle because it not only decreases the possibilities of having diabetes, but also many other diseases.

sábado, 11 de abril de 2020

Comment 24

Some years ago, tap water was the only water available for drinking. Nevertheless, nowadays we can find bottled water in any store, kiosk or supermarket. If you stop to think about it, it can be quite funny because, if water "has no taste", why are there so many different brands? why does every brand have a different price? and why do some people say that bottled water is much better than tap water if it is only water?

On the one hand, bottled water may be better. Depending on where you live, tap water may be of higher or lower quality. Furthermore, if you live in a place like the desert where there aren't any lakes around, drinking bottled water is probably better. Besides, if you go to a place like a restaurant a lot of people ask for bottled water. It is more recommendable to do this than to ask for tap water in a restaurant because of hygiene issues. You don't know if the tap in that restaurant is dirty, but the bottled water has a special seal that ensures you that the water is clean.

On the other hand, tap water is good too. Maybe a few years ago drinking tap water could be more dangerous. However, nowadays tap water is totally potable and you can drink it without any problem. Moreover, recent studies have shown that bottled water is bad. As we know, this water is bottled in plastic bottles and according to the experiments of some scientists, microplastics have been found in the water of these bottles. As a consequence, this plastic gets into our body and causes us injuries. What's more, if we talk about hygiene issues, bottled water can also be dirty. Sometimes in the factories there are defective bottles or workers who don't follow the rules and can damage the water.

To put it in a nutshell, both bottled water and tap water have advantages and disadvantages. We should think about which times it is better to drink one or the other. For example, at home you should drink tap water and in a restaurant you can drink bottled water. From my point of view, tap water is better because it doesn't just taste well, but it is also cheaper.

martes, 7 de abril de 2020

Comment 23

At the present time we are living an extremely difficult time all over the world because of the coronavirus. This virus is very bad for health, especially for the elderly or people with very few defenses. In addition, the coronavirus is very infectious, so it is transmitted very easily among people and, if you have the coronavirus, you can get very sick and even die. For all this, people have to stay at home. We are not going to work or to school and that has had a big impact on nature.

On the one hand, coronavirus hasn't affected the whole world. There are some small parts of the world where there are no coronarovirus yet, so these people continue their lives and jobs as normal. Besides, there are many jobs that are still going on today and maybe even more than before like lorry drives, who have to transport all the food and essentials that we need. Moreover, because of this virus, objects such as masks, disinfectant gels or gloves are in high demand all over the world so the factories that make these products are working very fast. This means that those factories are polluting more, because the more the machines work, the more pollution goes to the air.

On the other hand, pollution in general has decreased a lot. According to the experts, these 15 days of quarantine (where almost everything has stopped) the planet Earth has recovered 30 years. Factories stopped, fewer cars on the road, almost no planes flying are some of the measures that have been taken to try to stop this virus. At this moment it is when we realise that by changing our lifestyle we can improve our planet a lot. Besides, nowadays and especially before the appearance of the coronavirus, one of the most important and talked about problems was global warming. Fortunately, the best thing about this virus is that it is forcing us to stay at home, and as a consequence nature is returning to what it was before.

To sum up, Coronavirus is very bad for people so we must be careful, stay at home and follow the instructions that are given to us. Nevertheless, although many people are dying because of the coronavirus, the fact that people are at home is helping a lot to decrease the spread of the virus, and that is very good. In my opinion, the quarantine is not as bad as it seems and I think it would be a good idea if everyone did it to help both the planet and other people.

Comment 22

Nowadays, technology is advancing a lot. Every day we can see new things being discovered, advances being made and new apps being created. One of the most talked about topics, especially in these days of coronavirus quarantine because schools are closed and students can' t go to school, is the issue of teachers and computers. Can a computer replace the hard work and effort that a real teacher makes to teach his students?

On the one hand, many people think so. In addition, many students who often travel, for example, have their classes like this, through the computer. Besides, as I mentioned before, we are actually doing that! The quarantine situation has forced us to adjust ourselves and we have to take our lessons online, do our work on the internet and study on our own. Additionally, there are many teachers who are very good, but there are also others who are not so good at explaining and teaching students; therefore, many students have to find help from other private teachers or look for explanations on platforms such as youtube, where there are many teachers who post videos explaining things for those who need them. In these cases, a computer can teach you better than a real teacher.

On the other hand, a teacher can never be replaced by a machine, many people say. Besides, according to some studies, a good teacher can change your life. This is because the role of a teacher is not just to send you exercises, but also because, from a very young age, teachers are always encouraging students to get the best out of themselves, to make efforts and to work hard. Because of this, statistics say that people are more likely to go to college and end up with a job that pays above the average. What´s more, teachers will always help you, if you have a problem they will listen to you and help you, while a computer cannot do that.

To sum up, there are different views on the controversial role of a teacher and if it can be replaced by a computer or not, and everyone is free to choose the method that they like the most. In my opinion, a teacher can never be replaced. Besides, from my own experience of these quarantine days, working online is a bit strange and I really prefer the normal classes.

Comment 21

Have you ever felt as if you were being watched? Well, the fact is that we are being watched all the time. Nowadays, because of new technologies, there are cameras everywhere: supermarkets, shops and even on our own mobile phone. According to statistics we are recorded without knowing it at least 1000 times in our life and that has advantages, but disadvantages too.

On the one hand, cameras and microphones are very good. They help us save special moments and remember things. Moreover, security cameras are really important because they improve security in stores. They are not only important for the consumers, but also for the sellers. In the past, in places like petrol stations or shops that open until very late, working as a cashier was very dangerous. At present, thanks to the security cameras, robberies and vandalism have decreased. In addition, many people have security cameras in their own homes for the same reason. If you have cameras in your home, even though you may sometimes feel watched, you will probably feel much safer and sleep more peacefully.

On the other hand, having cameras recording us all the time is dangerous. Without us knowing it and without your permission, a camera could be recording us. Furthermore, many times through our own mobile phone or computer someone could be spying on us and that is very serious. To prevent this, we have to be very careful with the applications we download because if you download an App like Whatsapp, Twitter or Instagram and you allow that App to access your camera and your microphone, at any time someone can see what your camera is recording while you are using that App. Listening to phone calls, discovering passwords, and taking pictures of yourself without your permission these are some of the things hackers can do. In addition, there are more and more problems of this kind nowadays caused by misinformation or ignorance about all these dangers. 

To sum up, security cameras are good only if we're conscious that we're being recorded. Besides, talking about mobile phones, laptops and tablets we should be careful because someone may have hacked your system without your permission. Some recommendations to avoid being spied on on your computer are to cover the camera with some tape and read all the information before downloading an application. In my opinion, this is a very serious issue and everyone should be informed. A good idea could be to give talks in schools so that young people, who are the ones who most often have this kind of problem, are well informed.

Comment 21

 A funeral is a ceremony celebrated after the death of a person. Usually, funerals are very sad, where all the family members join together ...